The English Book Club: Reading Lahiri’s The Namesake in the Classroom

In this interactive discussion session, we will discuss Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel The Namesake by focusing on three main issues that are all connected, namely migration, identity, and the importance of names (especially Gogol). We expect participants to have read the entire novel (which is quite accessible and reader-friendly!).
After an introduction by Prof.dr. Peter Liebregts, Professor of Modern Literatures in English at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society, we will discuss how to introduce this book to secondary school learners of English. We invite everyone to bring forward ideas and suggestions for our group discussion.



Doel & resultaat

Deeper understanding of the novel and its various themes and style
Using the accessibility of this particular novel to open up discussions about the relevance of such issues as migration and identity.


Datum & tijd

The English Book Club vindt plaats op dinsdag 29 maart van 15:00 – 17:00 uur.
Indien de situatie het toelaat is het in Leiden.


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